畳の上の水練 Tatami no ue no suiren.

  • 解釈:畳の上の水泳練習は効果がないように、理論や方法だけに詳しくても、実際の経験に乏しいため、役に立たないこと。
  • Literal:Swimming is practiced on a tatami.
  • Interpretation:Even if it is detailed only to theory or a method, since it is deficient in an actual experience, it is not helpful to them. Knowledge without practice makes but half an artist.
  • 類義:机上の空論。炬燵兵法。畳水練。畳の上の陣立て。畑水練。
GLN 日本の諺・金言・名言 A proverb, a maxim, and a wise saying of Japan.